Upcoming events
Event Information:
Fri25Nov20223:00 pmBlandijn Faculteitszaal
Mark Janse (UGent): Axenitika: The history of another Cappadocian dialect still spoken in Greece
Show contentMark Janse (UGent): “Axenitika: The history of another Cappadocian dialect still spoken in Greece”
Abstract: here
Past events
Event Information:
Fri15Feb201910:00 amFaculteitszaal (Blandijnberg 2, 1e verdieping)
Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): From diachronic observations to synchronic semantic analyses: the case of the NP-strategy for expressing reciprocity
Show contentΔiaLing presentation by Prof. Dr. Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) : "From diachronic observations to synchronic semantic analyses: the case of the NP-strategy for expressing reciprocity."
You can find the abstract here.