Infrastructure projects
Corpus Oral y Sonoro del Español Rural (COSER)
Promoter at UGent: Miriam Bouzouita (in collaboration with UA Madrid) (since 2012)
NonCanCase — Database of Non-Canonical Case Marking in Indo-European
Funded through ERC Starting Grant EVALISA project (2013-2018)
Promoter: Jóhanna Barðdal
A parsed corpus of historical Low German (CHLG)
HERCULES (2014 – 2020)
Promoters: Liliane Haegeman (2014-2017), Anne Breitbarth (2018-2020)
Co-promoter: Véronique Hoste
Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE)
(a) BOF-GOA (2015-2020): “Poetry from the Margins” (A.4)
(b) HERCULES (2010-2015): “Book Epigrams from Medieval Greek Manuscripts. Compilation of an Unexplored Corpus and Creation of a Searchable Database”.
Promoters: Kristoffel Demoen, Gunnar De Boel, Marc De Groote, Koen De Temmerman & Mark Janse
DSDD: Dictionary of the Southern Dutch Dialects. An integrated lexicological infrastructure for the Southern Dutch Dialects
HERCULES (2017 – 2020)
Promoter: Jacques Van Keymeulen
Co-promoters: Steven Verstockt (UGent), Philippe De Maeyer (UGent), Nico Van de Weghe (UGent), Christophe Verbruggen (UGent), Dirk Speelman (KULeuven)
A parsed corpus of Southern Dutch Dialects
FWO Small Research grant (2018-2019)
Promoter: Anne Breitbarth
Consortium: Jacques Van Keymeulen, Liliane Haegeman, Miriam Bouzouita, Anne-Sophie Ghyselen
Spoken corpus of the (Southern) Dutch Dialects (GCND)
FWO Medium-scale Research Infrastructure (2020-2024)
Promoter: Anne Breitbarth
Consortium: Anne-Sophie Ghyselen, Melissa Farasyn, Timothy Colleman, Els Lefever (UGent), Jacques Van Keymeulen (Variaties vzw.), Katrien Depuydt (INT Leiden), Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam), Gertjan van Noord (RU Groningen)
Language description and documentation
The grammar of Cappadocian
NWO Sabbatical leave grant (2002 – 2003)
Principal Investigator (UGent): Mark Janse
Documentation and description of Cappadocian (Asia Minor Greek)
Pilot Project Grant from the Endangered Language Documentation Programme (ELDP) (2007 – 2008)
Promoter: Mark Janse
The Herodotos project: ethnography of the ancient world
Funded by the National Endowment of Humanities (2013 – 2014)
(Collaboration with Ohio State University)
Promoter (UGent): Mark Janse
Een multimediale website voor dialectologie en variatielinguïstiek in Vlaanderen (COM09/PWM/006)
Funding through UGent (Werkgroep Wetenschapscommunicatie en –popularisering — Projecten Wetenschap en Maatschappij) (2009 – 2015)
Promoter: Jacques Van Keymeulen
Woordenboek van de Vlaamse Dialecten (WVD)
Different funding sources since 1972
Promoter (most recent): Jacques Van Keymeulen