Research within ΔiaLing focusses on the advancement of linguistic theory in diverse frameworks, informed by empirically-grounded studies. The focus of its research projects lies on diachronic and diatopic linguistics of all languages. ΔiaLing hosts the following research projects in a number of categories. Each project includes the name of the main researcher involved, the title of the project, the intended time span and – if relevant – the names of the supervisors.
For a full list of projects within the ΔiaLing research group, please visit the Faculty’s research portal.
ERC Starting grants
- Bentein, Klaas. EVWRIT. Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I – VIII AD). A socio-semiotic study of communicative variation (2018 – 2023)
- Simonenko, Alexandra. CAUSALITY (2022 – 2027)
ERC Consolidator grants
- Bostoen, Koen. BantuFirst. The First Bantu Speakers South of the Rainforest: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Human Migration, Language Spread, Climate Change and Early Farming in Late Holocene Central Africa (2018 – 2022)
- Cuomo, Andrea. MELA. The meaning of language. A digital grammar of the Greek taught at schools in Late Constantinople (2022 – 2026)
Janse, Mark. MuMiL-EU. Multilingualism and minority languages in Ancient Europe (2016 – 2019) (Collaboration with Sapienza Università di Roma, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid & Leiden University)
- Poetry from the Margins. Literary, linguistic, philological and cultural-historical analysis of a new corpus of Byzantine book epigrams (800-1453) (2015-2020) (supervisors: Kristoffel Demoen, Marc De Groote, Mark Janse; co-supervisors: Floris Bernard, Klaas Bentein, Koen De Temmerman, Tjamke Snijders, Peter Van Nuffelen)
- Language productivity at work (2019-2022) (supervisors: Johanna Barðdal, Timothy Colleman, Renata Enghels, Peter Lauwers, Miriam Taverniers)
FWO medium-size research infrastructure / Hercules
- A parsed corpus of historical Low German (CHLG) (2014 – 2020)
Promoters: Anne Breitbarth (2018-2020), Liliane Haegeman (2014-2017)
Co-promoter: Véronique Hoste (Ghent University, LT3) - DSDD: Dictionary of the Southern Dutch Dialects. An integrated lexicological infrastructure for the Southern Dutch Dialects (2017 – 2020)
Promoter: Jacques Van Keymeulen
Co-promoters: Steven Verstockt (UGent), Philippe De Maeyer (UGent), Nico Van de Weghe (UGent), Christophe Verbruggen (UGent), Dirk Speelman (KULeuven) - GCND: The Spoken Corpus of Southern Dutch Dialects (2020 – 2024)
- A parsed corpus of historical Low German (CHLG) (2014 – 2020)
Promoter: Anne Breitbarth
Co-Promoters: Timothy Colleman (UGent), Melissa Farasyn (UGent), Anne-Sophie Ghyselen (UGent), Jacques Van Keymeulen (UGent / Variaties vzw), Els Lefever (UGent), Katrien Depuydt (INT), Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Institute), Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen)
Current other projects
- Crocco, Claudia. Intonation and rhythm of dialects and Italian: the case of Campania (FWO Senior Research Project)
- Breitbarth, Anne & Claudia Crocco. Prosodic cues to syntactic reanalysis. Experimentally tracking Jespersen’s cycle in progress (FWO Senior Research Project)
- Breitbarth, Anne, Mark Janse, Leonid Kulikov. Transitivity oppositions in a diachronic typological perspective. Labile verbs in the history of the Indo-European languages (FWO Senior Research Project)
Past projects
ERC Starting Grants
- Barðdal, Jóhanna EVALISA. The evolution of case, alignment and argument structure in Indo-European (2013-2018)
- Bostoen, Koen. KongoKing. Political centralization, economic integration and language evolution in Central Africa: An interdisciplinary approach to the early history of the Kongo kingdom (2012-2016)
- Haegeman, Liliane. Comparative syntax. Layers of structure and the cartography project (2009-2016)