Research projects

Research within ΔiaLing focusses on the advancement of linguistic theory in diverse frameworks, informed by empirically-grounded studies. The focus of its research projects lies on diachronic and diatopic linguistics of all languages. ΔiaLing hosts the following research projects in a number of categories. Each project includes the name of the main researcher involved, the title of the project, the intended time span and – if relevant – the names of the supervisors.

For a full list of projects within the ΔiaLing research group, please visit the Faculty’s research portal.


ERC Starting grants


ERC Consolidator grants





FWO medium-size research infrastructure / Hercules

Promoter: Anne Breitbarth
Co-Promoters: Timothy Colleman (UGent), Melissa Farasyn (UGent), Anne-Sophie Ghyselen (UGent), Jacques Van Keymeulen (UGent / Variaties vzw), Els Lefever (UGent), Katrien Depuydt (INT), Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Institute), Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen)

Current other projects


Past projects

ERC Starting Grants


  • Haegeman, Liliane. Comparative syntax. Layers of structure and the cartography project (2009-2016)