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Event Information:

  • Tue

    Get to know your colleagues 1: Simon Aerts, Andrea Cuomo, Eleonora Serra

    3:00 pmBlandijn lokaal 2.21

    Get to know your colleagues 1: Simon Aerts, Andrea Cuomo, Eleonora Serra

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Event Information:

  • Tue

    Parsed Historical Corpora Fest (1/2)

    2:00 pmPc-lokaal D (PlaRoz)

    Lecturer: Dr. Joel Wallenberg (Newcastle University)

    In the past, the fields of historical linguistics and synchronic syntax have both largely relied on qualitative data, e.g. the analysis of isolated examples, qualitative judgment data, etc. In the last few years, however, successes in variationist sociolinguistics, quantitative biology, and computer science have begun a revolution in the way both syntax and language change are studied: both fields have begun to use more quantitative data, especially in finding theoretically important statistical patterns in naturalistic production data. These fields have also combined with each other and with quantitative methods to give rise to a new field of quantitative diachronic comparative syntax. However, studying syntactic change in this mathematical way, particularly in a cross-linguistic, comparative approach, presents a number of interesting technical challenges. It requires measuring the frequencies of very abstract objects over very large periods of time, and in order to do this, we need a research infrastructure of diachronic parsed corpora (i.e. treebanks) drawn from a number of language histories. Building and analyzing these treebanks requires considerable technical skill, and a fair amount of collaboration between linguists with various computational, theoretical, and philological skills. Our workshops this week will help students with some background in syntax begin to search parsed corpora of this kind, interpret the results, and if they'd like, help them to contribute to the process of building more diachronic corpora of more languages.

    Dinsdag, 25 oktober 2016, 14.00u - 16.30u, PC-lokaal D (PlaRoz): over werken met geparsede corpora, bv. PPCHE en IcePaHC

    Donderdag, 27 oktober 2016, 11.00u - 13.00u, Hiko b. 001: over het bouwen van een eigen corpus, het parsen van je eigen gegevens

    Deze workshops zijn een initiatief van Prof. Dr. Miriam Bouzouita en Prof. Dr. Anne Breitbarth.

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