Upcoming events
Event Information:
Fri20Nov20203:30 pmMS-Teams
Kim Groothuis: Less finite = less structure? Evidence from irrealis clauses in Romanian, Salentino and Southern Calabrian (via MS-Teams)
Show contentKim Groothuis (UGent): Less finite = less structure? Evidence from irrealis clauses in Romanian, Salentino and Southern Calabrian.
Abstract: here
De vergadering zal via MS-Teams plaatsvinden: link te vinden in nieuwsbrief
Externen kunnen deelnemen door een e-mail te sturen aan dialing@ugent.be.
Past events
Event Information:
Mon23Oct202311:40 amBlandijn Room 1.16
The emergence of articles in French: diachronic and comparative perspectives (Anne Carlier, Sorbonne Université)
Show contentAnne Carlier will be giving a guest lecture about the emergence of articles in the Romance languages as part of the course General Linguistics II. The guest lecture will take place next Monday (October 23) at 11:40 a.m. in classroom 1.16 of Blandijn. You can read her abstract here.