Mark Janse

Biography: born 1959, Sas van Gent, Netherlands; MA in Classics, 1981 (magna cum laude), MA in Historical Linguistics, 1985 (summa cum laude), PhD in Greek & Latin Language & Linguistics, 1995 (summa cum laude, with special congratulations of the Jury), UGent; Non-Degree: Tetela (Bantu), 1980-1; Biblical Hebrew, 1983-1985; Modern Greek, 1996-1997.

Professional & Academic Employment: Editor Bibliographie Linguistique / Linguistic Bibliography (Permanent International Committee of Linguists / UNESCO), 1982-2004; Visiting Professor, UGent, 1996-2004; Visiting Professor, University of Amster­dam, 2003-2004; Professor of Linguistics & Classics, University College Roosevelt (Utrecht University Inter­national Honors College), 2004-2008; BOF-ZAP Research Professor in Ancient & Asia Minor Greek, UGent, 2008-present.

Awards & Honours: A1 Foreign Fellow, Onassis Foundation 2007-2008, 2012-2013; Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, 2007-2008 & 2014-2015; Honorary Member Panhellenic Union of Cappadocian Societies (ΠΕΚΣ, 2010); Johannes Sundwall Award, Finnish Institute at Athens, 2011; Onassis Senior Visiting Scholar (Harvard University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Arizona), 2012; Fellow, Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, 2013-2014; VLAC Fellow (Flemish Academic Centre for Science and the Arts, Brussels), 2013-2014; “Last Words”, documentary on Cappa­docian research and its impact on the Cappadocian communities in Greece (Rotterdam: seriousFilm, 2014:

Research: History of the Greek language; Homeric language & metre; Biblical Greek (LXX & NT); word order; clitics; grammaticalization; profane & obscene language, especially in Aristophanes; language contact & language death in the ancient and modern world, especially Greek in contact with Hebrew, Aramaic, Armenian & Turkish; ethnography of the ancient world; history of Hellenism in Asia Minor during the Ottoman Empire; Cappadocian; Modern (especially Asia Minor) Greek dialectology; Latin linguistics; Ancient Hebrew linguistics.

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