Jóhanna Barðdal
Email: Johanna.Barddal@ugent.be

Jóhanna Barðdal has her first degree from the University of Iceland and her Ph.D. degree from Lund University, Sweden. She has held visiting appointments at Manchester University, University of North Texas and University of California at Berkeley, and a Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Bergen, Norway. She joined the Dept. of Linguistics at Ghent University in 2013.

Jóhanna's research is focused on case marking and its development, the relation between case marking and semantic roles, the relation between case marking and verbal semantics, form–meaning correspondences, productivity and variation in case marking and argument structure, historical–comparative linguistics, as well as syntactic and semantic reconstruction.

Jóhanna is the author of two monographs: Case in Icelandic: A Synchronic, Diachronic and Comparative Approach (2001) and Productivity: Evidence from Case and Argument Structure in Icelandic (2008). She is a founding co-editor of the Journal of Historical Linguistics and a founding series co-editor of Brill’s Studies in Historical Linguistics. She has published in several linguistics journals, including Language, Journal of Linguistics, Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Studies in Language, Functions of Language, Morphology, Lingua, Diachronica, Transactions of the Philological Society, Language Dynamics and Change, Journal of Indo-European Studies, and STUF: Language Typology and Universals. She is currently running an ERC-funded research project on the Evolution of Case, Alignment and Argument Structure in Indo-European (2013–2018).

Please find her full research profile here.

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