Upcoming events
Event Information:
Mon13Mar20232:00 pmBlandijn Faculteitszaal
Nelson Goering: Foot Structure in Early North Germanic
Show contentNelson Goering (UGent): Foot structure in Early North Germanic
Abstract: Foot Structure in Early North Germanic
Past events
Event Information:
Thu08Nov20181:00 pmGrote Vergaderzaal (Blandijnberg 2, 3e verdieping)
Get to know your colleagues: Klaas Bentein, Geert de Mol, Yasmine Amory and Emmanuel Roumanis; Metin Bagriacik; and Laura Bruno.
Show contentProf. Klaas Bentein will introduce his ERC-project and the members of his new team (Geert de Mol, dr. Yasmine Amory and Emmanuel Roumanis) to the members of DiaLing. The title of the ERC-project is Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and late antique Egypt (I – VIII AD). A socio-semiotic study of communicative variation.
Dr. Metin Bagriacik will introduce us to his FWO-postdoc project, titled "Relatives and their relatives in Asia Minor Greek: A synchronic micro-comparative analysis."
Laura Bruno, a new member of DiaLing, will also introduce herself and her project, which is titled: "Non-canonical subject marking in Germanic vernaculars."