
Upcoming events

Event Information:

  • Fri

    Koen Bostoen (UGent): Epidemic-driven population collapse in Congolese rainforest 1600-1400 years ago urges reassessment of the Bantu Expansion

    3:00 pmMS-Teams

    Koen Bostoen (UGent): “Epidemic-driven population collapse in Congolese rainforest 1600-1400 years ago urges reassessment of the Bantu Expansion”

    Abstract: here


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Past events

Event Information:

  • Thu

    Philippe Boula de Mareüil (CNRS): "Towards a speaking atlas of dialects and minority languages of Western Europe"

    2:30 pmGrote Vergaderzaal (Blandijnberg 2, 3rd floor)


    We will describe a speaking atlas that takes the form of a website presenting interactive maps, where it is possible to click on over 300 survey points to listen to speech samples and read a transcript of what is said, in dialects and minority languages of France, Italy and Belgium. We show how an attractive website enables us to collect more data in underresourced and endangered languages and how these data may be used for phonetic analyses and dialectometry purposes. A one-minute story (“The North Wind and the Sun”) was used, phonetically transcribed automatically by grapheme-to-phoneme converters and forced aligned with the audio signal: a methodology which can be applied to other languages and dialects.

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