Upcoming events
Event Information:
Fri23Oct20203:30 pmMS-Teams
Johnatan Bonilla Huerfano, Rosa Lilia Segundo Díaz & Miriam Bouzouita: A collaborative game-based approach to building a parsed corpus of European Spanish dialects (via MS-Teams)
Show contentJohnatan Bonilla Huerfano (UGent), Rosa Lilia Segundo Díaz (UGent) & Miriam Bouzouita (HU Berlin): "A collaborative game-based approach to building a parsed corpus of European Spanish dialects"
Abstract: here
De vergadering zal via MS-Teams plaatsvinden: link te vinden in nieuwsbrief
Externen kunnen deelnemen door een e-mail te sturen aan dialing@ugent.be.
Past events
Event Information:
Tue29Oct20191:00 pmCamelot room (Blandijnberg 2, 3rd floor)
Leonid Kulikov: Gr. Κένταυρος and his (non-)Indo-European relatives: the Indo-Iranian myth of the primordial incest between twins (Yamī and Yama) and its origins
Show contentΔiaLing-presentation by Dr. Leonid Kulikov (UGent, ΔiaLing): "Gr. Κένταυρος and his (non-)Indo-European relatives: the Indo-Iranian myth of the primordial incest between twins (Yamī and Yama) and its origins."