Upcoming events
Event Information:
Fri23Oct20203:30 pmMS-Teams
Johnatan Bonilla Huerfano, Rosa Lilia Segundo Díaz & Miriam Bouzouita: A collaborative game-based approach to building a parsed corpus of European Spanish dialects (via MS-Teams)
Show contentJohnatan Bonilla Huerfano (UGent), Rosa Lilia Segundo Díaz (UGent) & Miriam Bouzouita (HU Berlin): "A collaborative game-based approach to building a parsed corpus of European Spanish dialects"
Abstract: here
De vergadering zal via MS-Teams plaatsvinden: link te vinden in nieuwsbrief
Externen kunnen deelnemen door een e-mail te sturen aan dialing@ugent.be.
Past events
Event Information:
14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIV)
Show contentPlease note: the conference has been postponed again due to the continuing uncertainties related to the covid-19 pandemic and will take place from Monday, September 5th to Friday, September 9th, 2022.
The 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIV) will be held at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent University (Belgium) from Monday, September 5th to Friday, September 9th, 2022. It will be organized by the Latin section and the research group DiaLing at the Department of Linguistics, under the auspices of the Comité international pour l'étude du latin vulgaire et tardif (www.unibg.it/lvlt).
The colloquium will be held in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Latin. As per tradition, it will be devoted to all linguistic aspects of late, informal, non-standard and colloquial Latin (including the transition from Latin to Romance).
For all further information, please visit the website of the colloquium at https://www.lvlt14.ugent.be. For any additional questions you may have, please contact the organisers at lvlt14@ugent.be.