Upcoming events
Event Information:
Thu05Dec20191:00 pmCamelot Room (Blandijnberg 2, 3rd floor)
Michal Starke: Cutting French verbs and gluing them back together
Show contentProf. Dr Michal Starke (Masaryk University): "Cutting French verbs and gluing them back together".
Abstract: Descriptively, French has many "irregular" verbs, as well as a mildly complex combination of suffixes on verbs. I aim to show that both irregular verbs and the combination of verbal suffixes follow a regular underlying system, and that this system can be elegantly derived by using phrasal spellout, the elsewhere principle and the functional sequence provided by syntax.
Past events
Event Information:
Thu12Dec201910:00 amLecture room 1.1 Henri Pirenne, Department of Archaeology, UFO Building, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent
BantUGent: Prof. Ceri Ashley on "Pathways through the Forest? Reflecting on the Archaeology of Early Farming Communities in Great Lakes Africa"
Show contentProf. Ceri Ashley (British Museum, London): "Pathways through the Forest? Reflecting on the Archaeology of Early Farming Communities in Great Lakes Africa".
On December 12 we have the honour to welcome Prof. Ceri Ashley (British Museum, London) with a talk on "Pathways through the Forest? Reflecting on the Archaeology of Early Farming Communities in Great Lakes Africa". Her talk will be followed by a BantuFirst research pitch on "The New West-Coastal Bantu Homeland: An Archaeological Assessment" by Sara Pacchiarotti & Dirk Seidensticker.