
Upcoming events

Event Information:

  • Thu

    Michal Starke: Cutting French verbs and gluing them back together

    1:00 pmCamelot Room (Blandijnberg 2, 3rd floor)

    Prof. Dr Michal Starke (Masaryk University): "Cutting French verbs and gluing them back together".

    Abstract: Descriptively, French has many "irregular" verbs, as well as a mildly complex combination of suffixes on verbs. I aim to show that both irregular verbs and the combination of verbal suffixes follow a regular underlying system, and that this system can be elegantly derived by using phrasal spellout, the elsewhere principle and the functional sequence provided by syntax.

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Past events

Event Information:

  • Mon

    IV Cambridge-Ghent Colloquium on the Histories of the Ibero-Romance Languages

    2:30 pmGrote Vergaderzaal (Blandijnberg 2, 3rd floor)


    • 14:30-15:30 Plenary Talk - Manuel Leonetti Complutense University of Madrid: 'Orden de palabras y estructura informativa en la evolución del español'
    • 15:30-16:00 Miriam Bouzouita & Antoine Primerano Ghent University: 'La influencia oriental en la gramaticalización del futuro y condicional en español'
    • 16:00-16:30 Rocío Díaz Bravo & Miriam Bouzouita University of Granada & Ghent University: 'Usos innovadores de los clíticos de OD y OI en el Retrato de la Loçana andaluza'
    • 16:30-17:00 COFFEE
    • 17:00-17:30 Plenary Talk - Javier Rodríguez Molina University of Granada / Ghent University: 'Alomorfia IE - IA en los pluscuamperfectos de indicativo medievales'
    • 17:30-18:00 Montserrat Batllori & Ioanna Sitaridou University of Girona & University of Cambridge: 'Fronting in the history of Spanish'
    • 18:00-18:30 Álvaro Octavio de Toledo y Huerta Autonomous University of Madrid / Ghent University: 'Dislocaciones y doblados: elementos para un álgebra de los objetos clíticos en el primer español moderno'
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